Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 19008972

Case Number:19008972
Service Type:
Filing Date:1984*

Company Not Assigned

Case Nature:

*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings

COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE CONNISSION In the Matter of: THE APPLICATION OF NULTI-CON SYSTEMS, INC. FOR CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO PROVIDE RESALE OF TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES AND FACILITIES WITHIN KENTUCKY ) ) ) CASE NO. 897 2 ) ) ORDE R On January 25, 1984, Nulti-Com Systems, Inc., ("Multi-Com") filed its application for a certi,ficate of public convenience and necessity to resell Wide Area Telecommunications Service ("WATS"). On Narch 13, 1984, p
