Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 19008860

Case Number:19008860
Service Type:
Filing Date:1983*

Company Not Assigned

Case Nature:

*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings

COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of: THE APPLICATION OF SOME ) RESIDENTS OF SPENCER COUNTY ) CASE NO. 8860 FOR EXTENDED AREA TELEPHONE ) SERVICE WITH LOUISVILLE ) ORDER On August 3, 1984, South Central Bell Telephone Company ("Bell ) filed the results of the toll traf f ic study previously ordered in this case ~ The study period was performed from June 1, 1984, to June 30, 1984. This was during the anticipated summer peak calling per iod between the Tay




COMMONAGE ALT 8 OF KE NT UCK Y BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMI SSION * * * 4 * In the Matter of THE APPLICATION OF SOME RESIDENTS ) OF SPENCER COUNTY FOR EXTENDED AREA ) TELEPHONE SERVICE WITH LOUISVILLE ) CASE NO 8860 On January 18, 1984, the Commission received a letter from Jerry Johnson, Taylorsville, Kentucky, and C. L. Glasscock, Jr., Spencer County Judge/Executive, ( Petitioners" ) requesting an extension of 30 days to obtain the signatures of a minimum of 3,146 separate subscriber accoun



COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION * 4 * In the Matter of: THE APPLICATION OF SOME RESIDENTS OF SPENCER COUNTY FOR EXTENDED AREA TELEPHONE SERUECE WITH LOUISVILLE ) ) CASE NO. 8860 ) ) On August 1, 1983, the Commissi.on entered an Order in this matter wherein petitioners were required to seek, as a valid indication of general subscriber interest, the signatures of sub- scribers in both the Louisville and Taylorsville exchanges of South Central Bell Telephone Company. T
