Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 19008849

Case Number:19008849
Service Type:
Filing Date:1983*

Company Not Assigned

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*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings

COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 4 * In the Matter of: APPLICATION OF FANCY FARM WATER ) DISTRICT FOR AUTHORITY TO AMUST ) RATES FOR WATER SERVICE AND FOR ) CASE NO ~ 8849 A CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND ) NECESSITY TO CONSTRUCT FACILITIES) 0 R D E R On Nay 26, 1983, the Fancy Farm Water District ("Fancy Farm ) filed its application with the Commission requesting an increase in water rates pursuant to 807 KAR 5:076. On July 8, 1983, in response to a Commission reque





COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of: APPLI CAT ION OF FANC Y FARM WATER DISTRICT FOR AUTHORITY TO ADJUST RATES FOR WATER SERVICE AND FOR A CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO CONSTRUCT FACILITIES ) ) ) CASE NO. 8849 ) ) 0 R D E R IT IS ORDERED that Fancy Farm Water District ("Fancy Farm" ) shall file an original and seven copies of the following information with the Commission with a copy to all parties of record by July 15, 1983. Fancy Farm sha


COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of APPLICATION OF FANCY FARM WATER DISTRICT FOR AUTHORITY TO ADJUST RATES FOR WATER SERVICE AND FOR A CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO CONSTRUCT FACILITIES CAGE NO. 8849 0 R D E R On June 22, 1983, Fancy Farm Concerned Citizens filed a Motion to Intervene in this case. The Commission, h ving considered the Motion and being advised, HEREBY ORDERS that the Motion be and it hereby is sustained. Done at Frankfort,
