Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 19008760

Case Number:19008760
Service Type:
Filing Date:1983*

Company Not Assigned

Case Nature:

*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings


CONMO%KALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of: CONCERNED CITIZENS FOR } LONER SEMER RATES VS ) CASE NO. 8760 FANCY FARM SEVER DISTRICT ) IT IS ORDERED that Fancy Farm Sewer District shall file an original and six copies of the following information with the Commission by March 29, 1983. 1. Detailed billing analysis for 12-month period ending February 28, 1983, showing number of customers and usage. Billing analysis shall be in 1,000 gallons increments. 2. A separa


COMMONWEALTH OP KENTU CKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE CONNISSION In the Matter of THE COMPLAINT OP CONCERNED CITIZENS ) FOR LOVER SEVER RATES, AND OTHERS, ) AGAINST THE FANCY FARM WATER DISTRICT, ) SEWER DIVISION,. ) CASE NO. 8760 O R D E R The Commission, having received letters and petitions from customers of the Pancy Farm Water Distri.ct, Se~er Division, ("Fancy Farm" ) ~ questioning the reasonableness of the rates charged by Fancy Farm including a petition dated July 15, 1982, from customers