View Case Filings for: 19008685
Service Type:
Filing Date:1982*
Company Not Assigned
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*Case Filing Year is approximate
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COMMCNMEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMNISSION In the Matter of THE APPLICATION OF FANCY FARM WATER ) DISTRICT FOR AN ADJUSTMENT OF RATES ) PURSUANT TO THE ALTERNATIVE PROCEDURE ) FOR SMALL UTILITIES ) CASE NO. 8685 XT IS ORDERED That a public meeting be and it hereby is scheduled on Friday, December 10, 1982, commencing at 6:00 p.m., Central Standard Time, in the Cafeteria of the Fancy Farm School, Fancy Farm, Kentucky, for the purpose of receiving public comment and testimony wi |
COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEH)RE THE PUBLIC SERVICE SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of AN ADJUSTMENT OF RATES OF FANCY FARM WATER DISTRICT CASE NO. 8685) ORDE R IT IS ORDERED that Fancy Farm Water District shall file an original and seven copies of the following information with the Commission by November 29, 1982. If the information requested or a motion far an extensi.on of time is not filed by the stated date, the Commission may dismiss the case without pre)udice. l. Provide an explanation wh |