Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 19008650

Case Number:19008650
Service Type:
Filing Date:1982*

Company Not Assigned

Case Nature:

*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings

COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of: APPLICATION OF SUNSHINE SEVER) SYSTEMS, INC., FOR AN ADJUST-) MENT OF RATES PURSUANT TO ) CASE NO, 8650 THE ALTERNATIVE PROCEDURE ) FOR SHALL UTILITIES ) ORDER On September 20, 1982, Sunshine Sewer Systems, Inc,, ("Sunshine" ) filed an application with the Commission to increase its sewer rates pursuant to 807 EAR 5:076. This regulation allows utilities with 400 or fewer customers or $200,000 or less gross annual rev




COMM0%7EALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of: APPLICATION OF SUNSHINE SEWER ) SYSTEMS, INC., FOR AN ADJUSTMENT ) CASF NO 865QOF RATES PURSUANT TO THE ALTERNA- ) TIVE PROCEDURE FOR SMALL UTILITIES ) ORDER IT IS ORDERED that Sunshine Se~er Systems, Inc., sha11 file an original and seven copies of the following information with the Commission with a copy to all parties of record by November 29, 1982. If neither the requested information nor a motion for an extensio

