Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 19008649

Case Number:19008649
Service Type:
Filing Date:1982*

Company Not Assigned

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*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings

COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMXSSXON In the Matter of: ADJUSTMENT OF RATES OF ERI-GEK SEWER ) TREATMENT PLANT UNDER KAR 5:076 ) ALT ERNAT IVE RATE AD JUSTHENT PROCEDURE ) FOR SHALL UT ILIT IES ) CASE NOo 8649 ORDER On September 16, 1.982, Eri-Gek Sewer Treatment Plant, ("Eri-Gek") filed an application with the Commission to increase its sewer rates pursuant to 807 KAR 5:076. This regulation al- lows utilities with 400 or fewer customers or $ 200,000 or lese gross annual



CONM0%KALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Xn the Matter of ADJUSTMENT OF RATES OF ERE-GEK SEVER TREATMENT PLANT UNDER KAR 5:076 ALTERNATE RATE ADJUST- MENT PROCEDURES FOR SMALL UTILITIES ))) CASE NO. 8649)) 0 R D E R On January 25, 1983, Eri-Gek Sewer Treatment Plant, by counsel, filed its Motion to allow Notice of Hearing by Mail. Movant states as good cause the considerable reduction in cost and, further, that notice by mail in consistent with the intent of KRS 278.185 and t


COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of ADJUSTNENT OF RATES OF ERI-GEK ) SEWER TREATNENT PLANT UNDER ) KAR 5:076 ALTERNATE RATE ADJUST- ) MENT PROCEDURES FOR SMALL ) UTILITIES ) CASE NO. 8649 0 R D E R On December 9, 1982, Gaxey D. Higdon and Half Noon Apart- ments Partnership ("Half Noon Apartments" ), by counsel, filed i.ts Notion to hold an evidentiary hearing. By 1etter dated December 10, 1982, the Commission advised Half Noon Apartments that 807 KAR 5.


COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of: ADJUSTMENT OF PATES OF ERI-GEK ) SEVER TREA MENT PLANT UNDER KAR ) pASE Np g6~)o5:076 ALTERNATE RATE ADJUSTMENT ) PROCEDURE FOR SMALL UTILITIES ) IT IS ORDERED that Eri-Gek Sewer Treatment Plant shall file an original and se~en copies of the following information with the Commission by December 3, 1982. If the information re- quested or a motion for an extension of time is not filed by the stated dated the Commission


COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of ADJUSTMENT OF RATES OF ERI-GEK ) SEWER TREATMENT PLANT UNDER ) KAR 5:076 ALTERNATE RATE ADJUST- ) MENT PROCEDURE FOR SMALL ) UTILITIES ) CASE NO. 8649 ~ 0 R D E R On October 25, 1982, Garey D. Higdon and Half Moon Apart- ments Partnership, by counsel, filed a Motion to Intervene in the above case. The Commission, having considered the Motion and being advised, HEREBY ORDERS that the Notion of Garey D. Higdon and Half
