Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 19008227

Case Number:19008227
Service Type:
Filing Date:1981*

Company Not Assigned

Case Nature:

*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings

COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of THE APPLICATION OF WESTERN ) KENTUCKY GAS COMPANY FOR ) CASE NO. 8227 AUTHORITY TO ADJUST ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES ) ORDER On October 9, 1981, the Commission entered an Order approving an increase in rates for Western Kentucky Gas Company ("Western" ). As part of. its Order, the Commission set a hearing for January 15, 1982, to allow Western and other interested parties an opportunity to present testimony regarding pro


COMMONWEP.LTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of: THE APPLICATION OF WESTERN ) KENTUCKY GAS COMPANY FOR ~ CASE NO. 8227AUTHORITY TO ADJUST ITS ) RATES AND CHARGES ) 0 R D E R The Commission has reviewed its Order in this matter entered on October 9, 1981. Based on its review, the Commission finds that the original language contained in finding number 3 should be deleted and the following language should be included therein: Beginning with October 1, 1981, Western K





COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of: RATE ADJUSTMENT OP ) WESTERN KENTUCKY ) GAS COMPANY ) CASE NO. 8227 0 R D E R IT IS ORDERED that Western Kentucky Gas Company shall file an original and five copies of the following information with the Commission., with a copy to all parties of record, by June 10, 1981. Each copy of the data requested should be placed in a bound volume with each item tabbed. Where a number of sheets are required for an item, each sh

