Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 19008024

Case Number:19008024
Service Type:
Filing Date:1980*

Company Not Assigned

Case Nature:

*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings



CQMNONWEALTH GF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE UTILITY BETULATORY COMNISS ION In the Matter of: THE CHARGING OF UNAUTHGRI ZED ) BATES BY AUXIER WATER COMPANY ) CASE NO. 8024 On October 31, 1980, the Commi,ssion issued an Order in Case No. 7869 which found that Auxier Water Company had charged rates in excess of those approved by this Commission for the service month of September. The Applicant was ordered to file a detailed plan with a of the customers and the amount. to be refunded to each custom



COMMONWEALTH OF KENT UCKY BEFORE THE UTILITY REGULATORY COMM ISSION In the Matter of THE CHARGING OF ) UNAUTHORIZED RATES ) BY AUXIER WATER ) COMPANY ) CASE NO. 8024 SHOW CAUSE ORDER On May 27, 1980, Auxier Water Company ("Auxier") filed an application with the Utility Regulatory Commission seek- ing a rate increase. In its application in Case No. 7869, Auxier requested an emergency rate increase to become effec- tive July 1, 1980, or upon a hearings Auxier also proposed permanent rates to be ch