Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 19007790

Case Number:19007790
Service Type:
Filing Date:1980*

Company Not Assigned

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*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings


COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of: NOTICE OF CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE ) COMPANY OF KENTUCKY OF AN ADJUST-) MENT IN ITS INTRASTATE RATES AND ) CHARGES ) CASE NO. 7790 ORDER DENYING REHEARING On September 26, 1980, the Commission issued its order in the above-captioned case granting Continental Telephone Company $2,178,921 in additional annual revenues. On October 15, 1980, Continental filed a petition for rehearing of said order alleging: (1) that the


COMMONVEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of: NOTICE OF CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE ) COMPANY OF KENTUCKY OF AN ADJUST- ) MENT IN ITS INTRASTATE RATES AND ) CHARGES ) CASE NO. 7790 O R D E R Continental Telephone Company of Kentucky (hereinafter referred to as the Company) filed its Notice with the Commission on March 28, 1980, wherein it proposed to increase its intra- state telephone rates and charges by $4,509,146 annually to become effective on and after April





COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of NOTICE OF CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE ) COMPANY OF KENTUCKY OF AN ADJUST- ) MENT OF RATES ) CASE NO. 7790 ORDER IT IS ORDERED That Continental Telephone Company of Kentucky shall file with the Commission by May 6, 1980 the following informa- tion: Staff Request No. 1 A trial balance as of the last day of the test year, all income statement accounts should show activity for 12 months showing account number, account title


COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of NOTICE OF CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE COMPANY ) OF KENTUCKY OF AN ADJUSTMENT IT ITS ) RATES ) 0 R D E R CASE NO. 7790 On the 28th day of March, 1980, Continental Telephone Company filed its Notice with the Commission wherein it proposes to increase its rates for telephone service rendered on and after the 28th day of April, 1980. The Commission is of the opinion and finds that a hearing and investigation will be necessa