Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 19007766

Case Number:19007766
Service Type:
Filing Date:1980*

Company Not Assigned

Case Nature:

*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings

COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of APPLICATION OF CAMPBELL COUNTY KENTUCKY WATER DISTRICT TO ISSUE PARITY REVENUE BONDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,500,000; TO CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PLANT FACILITIES; AND NOTICE OF ADJUST- MENT OF RATES ON APRIL 1, 1980 CASE NO. 7766 0 R D E R On March 10, 1980, Campbell County Kentucky Water District, hereinafter referred to as the "UTILITY", filed with this Commission its application seeking authority (1) to issue $4,500.0




COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of APPLICATION OF CAMPBELL COUNTY KENTUCKY ) WATER DISTRICT TO ISSUE PARITY REVENUE ) BONDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $4, 500,000; TO ) CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PLANT FACILITIES; ) AND NOTICE OF ADJUSTMENT OF RATES ON ) APRIL 1, 1980 ) CASE NO . 7766 0 R D E R IT IS ORDERED That the nearing scheduled April 2, 1980 at 10:00 a.m. in the above case shall be for the purpose of presentation of the direct proof of Campbell County Water



COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of APPLICATION OF CAMPBELL COUNTY KENTUCKY CWATER DISTRICT TO ISSUE PARITY REVENUE BONDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,500,000; TQ CONSTRUCT ADDI- TIONAL PLANT FACILITIES; AND NOTICE OF ADJUSTMENT OF RATES ON APRIL 1,1980. )))) CASE NO. 7j66))) 0 R D E R On the 10th day of March, 1980, Campbell County Kentucky Mater District filed its Notice with the Commission wherein it proposes to increase its rates for water service render