Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 19007716

Case Number:19007716
Service Type:
Filing Date:1980*

Company Not Assigned

Case Nature:

*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings

COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of: THE CUSTOMER ACCESS UNIT TARIFF ) FILING OF SOUTH CENTRAL BELL } TELEPHONE COMPANY ) CASE NO. 7716 0 R D E R On January 4, 1980, South Central Bell Telephone Company, (the Company) made a tariff filing with the Commission, wherein it proposed to reduce monthly rates associated with its Customer Access Unit (CAU) service offering. CAU is used in conjunction the HORIZON communication system. It allows the cus


COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of: CUSTOMER ACCESS UNIT TARIFF FILING OF SOUTH CENTRAL BELL TEIEPHONE COMPANY CASE NO. 7716 0 R D E R On January 4, 1980, South Central Bell Telephone Company, (South Central Bell) made a tariff filing with the Commission, wherein it pxoposed to xeduce monthly xates associated with its Customer Access Unit (CAU) service offering. CAU is used in con.junction with the HORIZON communication system. It allows the custom