Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 19006637

Case Number:19006637
Service Type:
Filing Date:1980*

Company Not Assigned

Case Nature:

*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings

CGMMONNEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of: THE COMPLAINT OF JELLICO ELECTRIC SYSTEM CUMBERLAND VALLEY RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CORPORATION AND CAL-GLO COAL COMPANY ) ) ) ) CASE NO. 6637 ) ) ) ) ) On the Joint Motion and agreement of the part:ies herein, by counsel, and it appearing to the Commission that the November 19, 1981 Industrial Power Contract, submitted with their Joint Motion, insofar as it results in an allocation of territory and consumer betwee


CO? KONMEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of THE COMPLAINT OV JELLICO ELECTRIC SYSTEM VS. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CORPORATION AND CAL-GLO COAL COMPANY )))) CASE NO. 6637))))) O R D E R IT IS ORDERED That Cal-Glo Coal Company furnish the fo11owing information requested at the hearing held on September 9, 1980: Copies of invoices or order forms for pumps; copies of invoices on new equipment recentlyinstalled. Done at Frankfort, Kentucky, t


COMM0%KALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of THE COMPLAINT OF JELLICO ELECTRIC SYSTEM VS. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CORPORATION AND CAL-GLO COAL COMPANY )))) CASE NO. 6632))))) 0 R D E R The Commission, having been advised by counsel representing Cal-Glo Coal Company and Jellico Electric System of their inability to agree upon a settlement of this case, and the Commission, having considered the matter and being advised, IT IS ORDERED That th