Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 190000186H

Case Number:190000186H
Service Type:
Filing Date:1984*

Company Not Assigned

Case Nature:

*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings



COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION * * 0 * In the Matter of APPLICATION OF PUBLIC GAS ) COMPANY FOR A PURCHASED GAS ) ADJUSTME NT ) and CASE NO ~ 8186-Q APPLICATION OF PUBLIC GAS ) COMPANY FOR A PURCHASED GAS ) ADJUST ME NT ) CASF NO ~ 8186-H On February 22, 1984> PubliC Gaa COmpany, Inc. ( public" ), by counsel, filed its Notice in Case No. 8186-G whereby it informed the Ccmmiesion that, pursuant to KRS 278.190(2), it vill place into effect on and after February 20, l


COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION * + * * In the Matter of APPLICATION OF PUBLIC GAS ) COMPANY FOR A PURCHASED GAS ) ADJUSTMENT ) CASE NO. 8186-Q APPLICATION OF PUBLIC GAS ) COMPANY FOR A PURCHASED GAS ) ADJUSTMENT ) CASE NO. 8186-8 0 R D E R On November &, 19&3, Public Gas Company ("Public" ), by counsel filed its Motion for Hearing Date and Expedited Pro- ceedings. The Motion states that the Purchased Gas Adjustment clause ("PGA") of Public xequires the Commission t


COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of APPLICATION OF PUBLIC GAS ) COMPANY FOR A PURCHASED GAS ) ADJUSTMENT ) CASE NO. 8186-G APPLICATION OF PUBLIC GAS ) COMPANY FOR A PURCHASED GAS ) ADJUSTNENT ) CASE NO. 8186-H 0 R D E R On November 8, 1983, Public Gas Company, by counsel, filed its Motion to Consolidate requesting that this matter be consolidated with Case No. 8186-H (In the Matter of the Application of Public Gas Company for a Purchased Gas Ad]ust- men