Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 190000176H

Case Number:190000176H
Service Type:
Filing Date:1982*

Company Not Assigned

Case Nature:

*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings

CONYiQNMEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of: MOTION TO ADJUST RATES IN ACCORDANCE ) QITH PURCHASED GAS ADJUSTMENT CLAUSE ) CASE NO. 7176-H OF MIKE LITTLE GAS COMPANY, INC. ) O R D E R On March 3l, 1982, Kentucky-Nest Virginia Gas Company ("Kentucky-Vest" ) filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Com- mission ("FERC") revised tariff sheets to f.ts FERC Gas Tariff, Original Volume No. l. Kentucky-Vest has placed an effective date of May 1, 1982, upon the affect