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Company NameTariff Filing IDDescriptionDate FiledStatus
East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc. TFS2022-00609 Tariff:     An EKPC proposed tariff for a residential EV off-peak charging program pilot to incentivize residential members to delay EV charging until off-peak hours.

Read_1st.pdf Cover LetterOriginal
Exhibit_A_-_Proposed_DSM_Tariff.pdf TariffOriginal
Exhibit_B_-_Proposed_DSM_Tariff_-_Strike-thru.pdf Support DocumentOriginal
Exhibit_C_-_Supporting_Documents.pdf Support DocumentOriginal
Exhibit_D_-_Owner-Member_Notice.pdf Support DocumentOriginal
Order Case: 2022-00439 Order Date: 1/26/2023Commission Order

12/21/2022 Suspended 1/26/2023