- /pscscf/2014 cases/2014-00159/

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5/6/2014 8:20 AM 19744 20140506_Cumberland Valley Electric_Notice of Intent.pdf
5/6/2014 8:33 AM 122028 20140506_PSC_Acknowledgement Letter.pdf
6/3/2014 1:10 PM 384736 20140603_DATA_REQUEST.pdf
6/23/2014 1:21 PM 9659734 20140623_Cumberland Valley Application.pdf
6/23/2014 2:24 PM 24900 20140623_PSC Letter.pdf
6/24/2014 11:04 AM 45623 20140624_PSC_Corrected Acknowledgement Letter.pdf
6/30/2014 10:13 AM 42651 20140630_PSC Letter.pdf
7/7/2014 7:56 AM 1266433 20140707_Cumberland Valley Response to First Information Request.pdf
7/10/2014 11:40 AM 44810 20140710_PSC_ORDER.pdf
7/14/2014 2:25 PM 23030 20140714_Attorney General Motion to Intervene.pdf
7/23/2014 9:47 AM 26171 20140722_OAG_Motion for extension of time to file requests for information.pdf
7/23/2014 1:04 PM 11113 20140723_PSC_ORDER.pdf
7/24/2014 11:47 AM 36031 20140724_PSC_ORDER.pdf
7/31/2014 10:22 AM 3673692 20140731_Cumberland Valley Electric_Notarized Proof of Publication & Tear Sheets.pdf
8/6/2014 8:55 AM 233433 20140804_Cumberland Valley Electric_Response to PSC Staffs First Request for Information.pdf
8/7/2014 1:25 PM 173979 20140807_DATA_REQUEST.pdf
8/7/2014 12:24 PM 177795 20140807_OAG_Initial Requests for Information.pdf
8/20/2014 1:31 PM 29116 20140820_Cumberland Valley Electric_Motion for Extension of Time to Answer Requests for Information.pdf
8/21/2014 12:15 PM 382209 20140821_PSC_ORDER.pdf
8/28/2014 2:00 PM 24263987 20140828_Cumberland Valley Electric response to PSC staff second request for info.pdf
8/28/2014 1:41 PM 62076934 20140828_Cumberland Valley Electric, Inc. Response to AG first request for info.pdf
9/9/2014 8:30 AM 1851732 20140908_AG_Supplemental Requests for Information.pdf
9/8/2014 2:16 PM 1407206 20140908_DATA_REQUEST.pdf
9/18/2014 1:14 PM 16890605 20140918_Cumberland Valley Response PSC third request for info.pdf
9/18/2014 1:08 PM 2952374 20140918_Cumberland Valley Response to AG supplemental requests for info.pdf
10/13/2014 12:36 PM 11039198 20141013_Cumberland Valley Electric_Updates Requested.pdf
10/13/2014 12:23 PM 528805 20141013_DATA_REQUEST.pdf
10/22/2014 10:30 AM 11419523 20141022_Cumberland Valley Response to the PSC staff 4th request for info.pdf
10/29/2014 2:31 PM 114578 20141029_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf
11/3/2014 2:49 PM 846581 20141103_PSC_IC Memo.pdf
11/5/2014 2:10 PM 526050 20141105_Cumberland Valley Electric updates requested of long term debt.pdf
11/5/2014 2:45 PM 3304162 20141105_Cumberland Valley Electric_Notarized Proof of Publication and Tear Sheets.pdf
11/10/2014 2:06 PM 4131329 20141110_PSC_Notice of Filing.pdf
11/14/2014 1:55 PM 2616119 20141114_Cumberland Valley Electric Post Hearing Data Request.pdf
11/21/2014 10:00 AM 2034453 20141121_Cumberland Valley petition for confidential treatment and KAEC survey.pdf
11/26/2014 7:17 AM 2203931 20141125_AG_Post-Hearing Brief.pdf
11/26/2014 9:53 AM 1258701 20141125_Cumberland Valley Electric Briefs.pdf
1/16/2015 11:51 AM 10495404 20150116_PSC_ORDER.pdf
5/7/2015 1:50 PM 535039 20150507_PSC_ORDER.pdf