- /pscscf/2014 cases/2014-00086/

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3/10/2014 2:33 PM 39833 20140206_Todd County Water District_Application.pdf
3/18/2014 2:35 PM 51139 20140318_PSC_Deficiency Letter.pdf
3/31/2014 10:01 AM 245879 20140331_Todd County Water District_Supplement to the Application for Certificate of Convenience and Necessity.pdf
4/1/2014 2:26 PM 60580 20140401_Todd County Water District_Amendment to Supplemental Filing.pdf
4/9/2014 8:35 AM 47910 20140409_PSC_Still Deficient Letter.pdf
4/14/2014 4:41 PM 8933065 20140414_Todd County Water District_Second Supplement to Application.pdf
5/1/2014 9:16 AM 16804 20140501_PSC_Still Deficient Letter.pdf
5/2/2014 1:08 PM 96744 20140502_Todd County Water District_Third Supplement to the Application for CPCN.pdf
5/5/2014 7:43 AM 32411 20140505_PSC_Deficiency Cured Letter.pdf
5/14/2014 2:04 PM 20198 20140514_PSC_Letter Revising Case Caption.pdf
5/15/2014 9:35 AM 45329 20140515_DATA_REQUEST.pdf
6/10/2014 2:14 PM 18040 20140610_PSC_ORDER.pdf
6/13/2014 1:08 PM 151670228 20140613_Todd County Water District_Response and Notice.pdf
7/1/2014 2:13 PM 52072 20140701_PSC_ORDER.pdf