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Public Service Commission
Welcome—Water Training Online Signup
Any one member of your party can sign up the entire team. All they need is an account with the KY PSC filing system.
I am associated with a utility
A representative associated with a water utility with any of the following account types can sign up their team:
Utility Financial Reports Filer
UFR Water District Filers
I am not associated with a utility
A representative NOT associated with a water utility with any of the following account types can sign up their team:
Electronic Case Filer
What if I don’t have a representative with an active account?
Follow these
to create a new account
Choose Role
Choose Utility
Then email:
and request account approval.
First the Representative will need to Logon
The logon should redirect them to Register Attendees
If it does not redirect then after logon use this
To Register Attendees for a Training class
Choose the Utility
The representative needs to fill out all fields as the "Submitter"
Select the Training Class
Click the "New Attendee" and enter all the details
Repeat until all students have been entered
Click "Sign Up"
Print the sign up receipt and submit that page with your payment to the KY Treasurer