- /pscscf/2011 cases/2011-00341/
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10/11/2011 9:27 AM 111736 20111011_PSC_ORDER.pdf
10/18/2011 8:32 AM 135965 20111018_Response of Estill County WD No 1 to Order of Oct 11, 2011, Waiver of Hearing, and motion for extension of time within which to file required reports.pdf
10/26/2011 1:48 PM 71721 20111026_PSC_ORDER.pdf
11/3/2011 11:54 AM 5048395 20111103_PSC_Notice of Filing.pdf
12/19/2011 3:25 PM 80436 20111219_Estill County_Penalty Payment.pdf
12/19/2011 3:10 PM 15775 20111219_PSC_Receipt of Payment.pdf
1/12/2012 2:43 PM 72184 20120112_PSC_ORDER.pdf