Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2016-00380

Case Number:2016-00380
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:10/27/2016

Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.

Case Nature:

$25,000,000 Principal Amount of Capital Lease Obligations

Case Filings
12/16/2016 11:32:57 AM

Final Order Entered: 1. Duke Kentucky is authorized to enter into Capital Leases of up to $25 million in one or more transactions through December 31, 2018. 2. Duke Kentucky shall agree only to terms and prices that are consistent with the parameters set out in its application. 3. Duke Kentucky shall, within ten days after entering into a Capital Lease, file with the Commission a statement setting forth the starting date and period of the lease, a description of the property, the name and address of the lessor, the dollar amount of the lease, any stated or implied interest rate, all fees and expenses included if the lease, and a copy of any participation agreements. In addition, Duke Kentucky shall perform an analysis comparing the cost of financing through Capital Leases to that of other forms of debt financing for any Capital Lease in excess of $1 million. The analysis and supporting data should be retained as documentation for establishing ratepayer benefits from Capital Leases during future rate proceedings. 4. The proceeds from the transactions authorized herein shall be used only for the lawful purposes set out in the application.


Duke Energy Kentucky Inc. Response to Data Request

11/21/2016 8:33:07 AM

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.

11/3/2016 10:15:25 AM

No Deficiency Letter

10/27/2016 1:57:53 PM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc. Application for an Order to Enter into up to $25,000,000 Principal Amount of Capital Lease Obligations