Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2011-00102

Case Number:2011-00102
Service Type:Water
Filing Date:3/18/2011

Kentucky Rural Water Association

Case Nature:

Kentucky Rural Water Association

Case Filings
4/15/2011 2:27:46 PM

Order Entered: 1. KRWA’s instruction at its regional meeting on April 19, 201 1 in Morehead, Kentucky is accredited and approved for a maximum of 2.0 credit hours of water district management training. 2. KRWAs instruction at its regional meeting on April 21, 2011 in Owensboro, Kentucky is accredited and approved for a maximum of 2.0 credit hours of water district management training. 3. KRWA’s instruction at its regional meeting on April 28, 2011 in Draffenville, Kentucky is accredited and approved for a maximum of 2.0 credit hours of water district mana in a record of all water district commissioners attending the accredited and approved presentation. 5. Within 30 days of the date of this Order, KRWA shall file with the Commission: a. A sworn statement attesting that the accredited instruction was performed; curred after KRWAs application; and c. The name of each water district commissioner who attended, his or her water district, and the number of hours that he or she attended.

3/22/2011 11:22:25 AM

No deficiency letter

3/18/2011 10:55:35 AM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


Kentucky Rural Water Association's Application for Approval of Commissioner and Board Member Training