Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2021-00150

Case Number:2021-00150
Service Type:Water
Filing Date:4/8/2021

Cawood Water District

Electronic Case
Case Nature:


Case Filings
9/18/2024 2:55:44 PM

Surcharge Report

Jeff Foust Cawood Water District


August 2024 Surcharge for Cawood Water District / Pathfork


August 2024 Water Loss for Cawood Water District / Pathfork

8/8/2024 8:46:14 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

7/8/2024 10:39:17 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

6/7/2024 12:56:44 PM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

5/8/2024 8:27:06 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

4/9/2024 12:32:52 PM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

3/7/2024 2:53:19 PM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

3/1/2024 4:06:55 PM

Response to Items 4 and 5 of the Second Request for Information

M Todd Osterloh Cawood Water District

2/15/2024 2:20:36 PM

Order Entered: 1. Cawood District’s motion for extension is granted. 2. Cawood District shall have until March 1, 2024, to file its response to Items 4 and 5 of Staff’s Second Request.

2/11/2024 9:52:43 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

2/6/2024 2:23:53 PM

Order Entered: 1. The QIIP filed by Cawood District in response to Staff’s First Request, specifically Section 3, Surcharge Funded Capital Improvements, satisfies the final Order in Case No. 2020-00311, and the opening Order to this proceeding, requiring the filing of a QIIP. 2. Cawood District may use surcharge proceeds to purchase gate valves, zone meters, and by-pass meters. 3. All reporting requirements set forth in the April 8, 2021 Order in this proceeding remain in effect. 4. Cawood District shall file, with its monthly surcharge report due on the 15?? of each month, a list of each payment made from the surcharge account, its payee, and a description of the purpose of each payment or purchase made using surcharge funds, including invoices supporting each payment.

1/31/2024 8:25:36 AM

Motion for Extension

M Todd Osterloh Cawood Water District

1/31/2024 8:12:57 AM

Response to Items 1-3 of Request for Information

M Todd Osterloh Cawood Water District


Response to Items 1-3 of the Request for Information

1/8/2024 2:20:12 PM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

12/22/2023 1:10:03 PM

Data Request

12/8/2023 2:45:24 PM

Response to Request for Information

M Todd Osterloh Cawood Water District


Response to Staff's First Request for Information

12/7/2023 3:09:21 PM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

11/11/2023 9:48:44 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

11/8/2023 2:37:33 PM

Data Request

10/9/2023 7:05:22 AM

Monthly Report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

9/8/2023 9:36:06 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

8/8/2023 12:14:52 PM

Monthly Report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

7/8/2023 10:16:43 AM

Monthly Report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

6/7/2023 8:22:16 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

5/8/2023 7:29:17 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

4/7/2023 8:16:46 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

3/8/2023 9:00:29 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

2/8/2023 11:27:40 AM

Monthly Report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

1/12/2023 6:13:27 PM

Response to Commission Order

M Todd Osterloh Cawood Water District


Response to Commission Order dated Dec 13 2022

1/12/2023 6:11:01 PM

Entry of Appearance

M Todd Osterloh Cawood Water District

1/6/2023 12:59:12 PM

Monthly surcharge report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District


Monthly Surcharge Report

12/13/2022 10:14:54 AM

Order Entered: 1. The Commission accepts the October 11, 2022 annual water loss surcharge report filed by Cawood District. 2. Cawood District shall file the Water Loss Reduction Plan being drafted by Kenvirons into this case as soon as it is available. 3. Cawood District shall file a written explanation of the origin of the $100.74 dollars within 30 days of service of this Order. 4. Cawood District will use the form attached to this Order an Appendix to report its monthly surcharge billings, collections, and deposits.

12/8/2022 11:32:22 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District


Monthly Surcharge Report

11/8/2022 7:47:07 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

10/11/2022 7:48:15 AM

Annual Report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District


Annual Report - unaccounted water loss

10/7/2022 11:12:55 AM

Monthly Surcharge

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District


Monthly Report

9/13/2022 8:17:39 AM

Order Entered: 1. Cawood District shall file, within 30 days of service of this Order, a schedule of the estimated and actual progress of the water loss detection and repair program and estimated and actual expenditures made with surcharge proceeds for the purpose of evaluating whether adjustments to the program or to the surcharge amount are required. 2. All other provisions of the Commission’s April 8, 2021 Order that are not in conflict with the terms of this Order shall remain in effect.

9/8/2022 12:57:35 PM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

8/8/2022 1:30:29 PM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

7/8/2022 9:24:34 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie williams Cawood Water District

6/8/2022 8:40:45 AM

Monthly surcharge report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

5/9/2022 10:24:33 AM

Monthly surcharge report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District


Cover letter

4/8/2022 8:08:00 AM

Monthly Report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District


Money Billed


Water Loss Report

3/8/2022 9:48:33 AM

Monthly Report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

2/8/2022 7:55:49 AM

Monthly surcharge report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District


Acct. Info


Cover Letter

1/7/2022 8:32:10 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District


Water Loss report

12/8/2021 8:42:49 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District


Water Loss

11/8/2021 10:02:42 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

10/8/2021 9:52:45 AM

Monthly Surcharge Report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District


Cover letter, money billed, money received, water loss, bank statement.

9/20/2021 9:52:21 AM

20210920_PSC IC Memo.pdf

9/9/2021 10:36:50 AM

Monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

9/7/2021 9:09:50 AM

Notice of Informal Conference

8/5/2021 1:02:48 PM

Monthly report for surcharge

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

7/30/2021 11:35:45 AM

Response to order #2021-00150

Response Cawood Water District

7/30/2021 11:28:45 AM

Response to order #2021-00150. Qualified Infrastructure Improvement plan, Water loss reduction plan.

Response Cawood Water District

7/12/2021 12:11:09 PM

Surcharge monthly report

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District


Water Loss


Billing journal


Receipt journal


Bank statement

6/15/2021 2:06:47 PM

Response for Cawood Water District to order

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

6/15/2021 1:51:53 PM

Cawood Water District response to order

Ronnie Williams Cawood Water District

4/8/2021 4:21:14 PM

Order Entered: 1. This case is opened to monitor Cawood District’s unaccounted-for water loss surcharge proceeds collection and expenses. 2. The record of Case No. 2020-00311 is incorporated by reference in Case No. 2021-00150. 3. Within 120 days of the date of entry of this Order, Cawood District shall file with the Commission a qualified infrastructure improvement plan, including a comprehensive unaccounted-for water loss reduction plan that establishes priorities and a time schedule for eliminating each source of unaccounted-for water loss and provides a detailed spending plan for the proceeds of a surcharge. 4. Cawood District shall deposit surcharge collections in a separate interest- bearing account. 5. On the fifteenth day of each month for 48 months from the date of entry of this Order or until all surcharge proceeds are expended, Cawood District shall file with the Commission a monthly activity report that includes a statement of monthly surcharge billings and collections; a monthly surcharge bank statement; a list of each payment from the account, its payee, and a description of the purpose; and invoices supporting each payment. 6. On the fifteenth day of each month for 48 months from the date of entry of this Order or until all surcharge proceeds are expended, Cawood District shall file a monthly water-loss report with the Commission.