- /tariffs/natural gas/local distribution companies/Louisville Gas & Electric/Cancelled Tariff Pages/2019/

[To Parent Directory]

9/28/2020 8:36 AM <dir> AAGS-As-Available Gas Service
9/28/2020 8:35 AM <dir> CGS-Firm Commercial Gas Service
4/2/2020 12:07 PM <dir> Cover Page
9/28/2020 8:40 AM <dir> DGGS-Distributed Generation Gas Service
9/28/2020 8:53 AM <dir> DSM-Demand-Side Management Cost Recovery Mechanism
4/2/2020 12:26 PM <dir> EF-Excess Facilities
4/2/2020 12:33 PM <dir> Franchise Fee
9/28/2020 8:38 AM <dir> FT-Firm Transsportation Service (Transportation Only)
4/2/2020 12:08 PM <dir> General Index
4/2/2020 12:28 PM <dir> GLT-Gas Line Tracker
4/2/2020 12:16 PM <dir> GMPS-Gas Meter Pulse Service
9/28/2020 8:51 AM <dir> GSC-Gas Supply Clause
4/2/2020 12:47 PM <dir> HEA-Home Energy Assistance
9/28/2020 8:36 AM <dir> IGS-Firm Industrial Gas Service
9/28/2020 8:47 AM <dir> LGDS-Local Gas Delivery Service
4/2/2020 12:27 PM <dir> NGV-Natural Gas Vehicle Service
4/2/2020 12:31 PM <dir> PBR-Experimental Performance Based Rate Mechanism
4/2/2020 12:25 PM <dir> PS-FT-Pooling Service-Rate FT
9/28/2020 8:25 AM <dir> PS-TS-2-Pooling Service-Rider TS-2
9/28/2020 8:33 AM <dir> RGS-Residential Gas Service
9/28/2020 8:37 AM <dir> SGSS-Substitute Gas Sales Service
4/2/2020 12:15 PM <dir> Special Charges
4/2/2020 12:46 PM <dir> ST-School Tax
4/2/2020 12:32 PM <dir> TCJA-Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Surcredit
4/2/2020 1:17 PM <dir> Terms and Conditions
9/28/2020 8:47 AM <dir> TS-2-Gas Transportation Service-Firm Balancing Service
9/28/2020 8:34 AM <dir> VFD-Volunteer Fire Department
4/2/2020 12:32 PM <dir> WNA-Weather Normalization Adjustment Clause