- /tariffs/natural gas/local distribution companies/Duke Energy Kentucky/Cancelled Tariff Pages/2019/

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4/15/2020 11:01 AM <dir> Bad Check Charge
4/15/2020 11:06 AM <dir> Bill Format
4/15/2020 11:01 AM <dir> Charge for Reconnection of Service
4/15/2020 9:49 AM <dir> Cover Page
4/15/2020 11:05 AM <dir> Curtailment Plan for Management of Available Gas Supplies
4/15/2020 10:59 AM <dir> Gas Cost Adjustment Clause
9/28/2020 9:53 AM <dir> Index
4/15/2020 11:03 AM <dir> Local Franchise Fee
4/15/2020 10:50 AM <dir> Rate AS-Pooling Service for Interruptible Gas Transportation
4/15/2020 10:53 AM <dir> Rate DGS-Distributed Generation Service
4/15/2020 10:44 AM <dir> Rate FRAS-Full Requirements Aggregation Service
4/15/2020 10:48 AM <dir> Rate FT-L-Firm Transportation Service
9/28/2020 9:55 AM <dir> Rate GS-General Service
4/15/2020 10:51 AM <dir> Rate GTS-Gas Trading Service
4/15/2020 10:53 AM <dir> Rate IMBS-Interruptible Monthly Balancing Service
4/15/2020 10:47 AM <dir> Rate IT-Interruptible Transportation Service
4/15/2020 11:05 AM <dir> Rate MPS-Meter Pulse Service
9/28/2020 9:54 AM <dir> Rate RS-Residential Service
4/15/2020 10:49 AM <dir> Rate SSIT-Spark Spread Interruptible Transportation Rate
4/15/2020 10:58 AM <dir> Rider ASRP-Accelerated Service Replacement Program Rider
4/15/2020 10:56 AM <dir> Rider DSM-Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider
9/28/2020 9:49 AM <dir> Rider DSMR-Demand Side Management Rate
9/28/2020 9:56 AM <dir> Rider GCAT-Gas Cost Adjustment Transition Rider
4/15/2020 10:58 AM <dir> Rider TCJA-Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Rider
4/15/2020 10:54 AM <dir> Rider X-Main Extension Policy
4/15/2020 9:51 AM <dir> Section I-Service Agreements
4/15/2020 9:52 AM <dir> Section II-Supplying and Taking of Service
4/15/2020 9:53 AM <dir> Section III-Customer's Installation
4/15/2020 9:54 AM <dir> Section IV-Company's Installation
4/15/2020 9:57 AM <dir> Section IX-Gas Space Heating Regulations
4/15/2020 9:54 AM <dir> Section V-Metering
4/15/2020 9:55 AM <dir> Section VI-Billing and Payment
4/15/2020 9:56 AM <dir> Section VII-Deposits
4/15/2020 9:56 AM <dir> Section VIII-Application
4/15/2020 9:57 AM <dir> Section X-Availability of Gas Service
4/15/2020 9:50 AM <dir> Table of Contents