- /tariffs/Natural Gas/Local Distribution Companies/Delta Natural Gas Company/Cancelled Tariff Pages/2022/

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7/22/2022 2:21 PM <dir> Adoption Notice
7/22/2022 2:41 PM <dir> Bill Format
7/22/2022 2:39 PM <dir> Conservation Efficiency Program Cost Recovery
7/22/2022 2:22 PM <dir> Cover Page
7/22/2022 2:41 PM <dir> Efficient Natural Gas Appliance Rebate Program
7/22/2022 2:37 PM <dir> Energy Assistance Program Rider
11/15/2022 11:25 AM <dir> Farm Tap Service Rate Schedule
7/22/2022 2:26 PM <dir> Former People's Gas Territory
7/22/2022 2:30 PM <dir> Gas Cost Adjustment Clause
11/15/2022 11:26 AM <dir> Interruptible Service Rate Schedule
11/15/2022 11:26 AM <dir> Large Non-Residential Rate Schedule
7/22/2022 2:40 PM <dir> Pipeline Replacement Program Rider
11/15/2022 11:25 AM <dir> Residential Rate Schedule
7/22/2022 2:36 PM <dir> Rider for Gas Technology Institute Research and Development
7/22/2022 2:34 PM <dir> Rules and Regulations
11/15/2022 11:25 AM <dir> Small Non-Residential Rate Schedule
7/22/2022 2:33 PM <dir> Special Charges
7/22/2022 2:29 PM <dir> Standby Service
7/22/2022 2:23 PM <dir> Table of Contents
7/22/2022 2:27 PM <dir> Transportation of Gas for Others Off System Utilization
7/22/2022 2:27 PM <dir> Transportation of Gas for Others On System Utilization
7/22/2022 2:35 PM <dir> Weather Normalization Adjustment