- /tariffs/Electric/Fleming-Mason RECC/Cancelled Tariff Pages/2021/

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11/24/2021 3:48 PM <dir> Cable Television Attachment Tariff
12/13/2021 9:12 AM <dir> Cogeneration and Small Power Production
11/24/2021 3:13 PM <dir> Cover Page
11/24/2021 3:33 PM <dir> DSM - Direct Load Control Program - Commercial
11/24/2021 3:32 PM <dir> DSM - Direct Load Control Program - Residential
11/24/2021 3:33 PM <dir> DSM-1 - Electric Thermal Storage Incentive Program
11/24/2021 3:36 PM <dir> DSM-10 - Energy Star Manufactured Home Program
11/24/2021 3:34 PM <dir> DSM-2 - Button-Up Weatherization Program
11/24/2021 3:35 PM <dir> DSM-3 - Heat Pump Retrofit Program
11/24/2021 3:35 PM <dir> DSM-7 - Touchstone Energy Home
11/24/2021 3:46 PM <dir> Energy Emergency Control Program
11/24/2021 3:44 PM <dir> Interruptible Service
11/24/2021 3:30 PM <dir> Kentucky Energy Retrofit Rider
11/29/2021 10:12 AM <dir> Qualified Cogeneration and Small Power Production Facilities
11/24/2021 3:27 PM <dir> Renewable Energy Program
12/13/2021 3:13 PM <dir> Renewable Energy Purchase Agreement
11/24/2021 3:45 PM <dir> Rules and Regulations
11/24/2021 3:19 PM <dir> Schedule AES - All Electric School
11/24/2021 3:43 PM <dir> Schedule CS - Community Solar Power Generation
11/24/2021 3:43 PM <dir> Schedule EDR - Economic Development Rider
11/24/2021 3:29 PM <dir> Schedule ES - Environmental Surcharge
12/13/2021 3:12 PM <dir> Schedule GP - Renewable Energy Program
11/24/2021 3:18 PM <dir> Schedule LGS - Large General Service
11/24/2021 3:24 PM <dir> Schedule LIS 1 - Large Industrial Service
11/24/2021 3:24 PM <dir> Schedule LIS 2 - Large Industrial Service
11/24/2021 3:23 PM <dir> Schedule LIS 3 - Large Industrial Service
11/24/2021 3:24 PM <dir> Schedule LIS 4 - Large Industrial Service
11/24/2021 3:25 PM <dir> Schedule LIS 4B - Large Industrial Service
11/24/2021 3:25 PM <dir> Schedule LIS 5 - Large Industrial Service
11/24/2021 3:26 PM <dir> Schedule LIS 5B - Large Industrial Service
11/24/2021 3:26 PM <dir> Schedule LIS 6 - Large Industrial Service
11/24/2021 3:26 PM <dir> Schedule LIS 6B - Large Industrial Service
11/24/2021 3:27 PM <dir> Schedule LIS 7 - Large Industrial Service
11/24/2021 3:31 PM <dir> Schedule NM - Net Metering
11/24/2021 3:18 PM <dir> Schedule OLS - Outdoor Lighting Service
11/24/2021 3:15 PM <dir> Schedule RSP - Residential and Small Power
11/24/2021 3:17 PM <dir> Schedule RSP-ETS - Residential and Small Power-Electric Thermal Storage
11/24/2021 3:16 PM <dir> Schedule RSP-IB - Residential and Small Power - Inclining Block
11/24/2021 3:17 PM <dir> Schedule RSP-PPM - Prepay Service
11/24/2021 3:15 PM <dir> Schedule RSP-TOD - Residential and Small Power Time of Day
11/24/2021 3:18 PM <dir> Schedule SGS - Small General Service
11/24/2021 3:28 PM <dir> Service to Individual Mobile Homes
11/24/2021 3:20 PM <dir> Special Contracted Service - Texas Eastern Transmission Corp
11/24/2021 3:47 PM <dir> Underground Cost Differential