- /tariffs/Electric/Duke Energy Kentucky/Cancelled Tariff Pages/2024/

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6/20/2024 2:20 PM <dir> Cogeneration and Small Power Production Sale and Purchase Tariff - 100 kW or Less
6/20/2024 2:20 PM <dir> Cogeneration and Small Power Production Sale and Purchase Tariff - Greater Than 100 kW
10/17/2024 9:57 AM <dir> Environmental Surcharge Mechanism Rider
10/17/2024 9:49 AM <dir> Rate DP - Service at Primary Distribution Voltage
12/3/2024 2:00 PM <dir> Rate DPA - Distribution Pole Attachments
10/17/2024 9:46 AM <dir> Rate DS - Service at Secondary Distribution Voltage
10/17/2024 9:46 AM <dir> Rate DT - Time-of-Day Rate for Service at Distribution Voltage
10/17/2024 9:47 AM <dir> Rate EH - Optional Rate for Electric Space Heating
10/17/2024 9:48 AM <dir> Rate GS-FL - Optional Unmetered General Service Rate for Small Fixed Loads
10/17/2024 9:52 AM <dir> Rate LED - LED Outdoor Lighting Electric Service
10/17/2024 9:55 AM <dir> Rate NSU - Street Lighting Service Non-Standard Units
10/17/2024 9:45 AM <dir> Rate RS - Residential Service
8/6/2024 2:23 PM <dir> Rate RTP - Real Time Pricing Program
10/17/2024 9:55 AM <dir> Rate SC - Street Lighting Service - Customer Owned
10/17/2024 9:56 AM <dir> Rate SE - Street Lighting Service - Overhead Equivalent
10/17/2024 9:50 AM <dir> Rate SL - Street Lighting Service
10/17/2024 9:48 AM <dir> Rate SP - Seasonal Sports Service
10/17/2024 9:50 AM <dir> Rate TL - Traffic Lighting Service
10/17/2024 9:49 AM <dir> Rate TT - Time-of-Day Rate for Service at Transmission Voltage
10/17/2024 9:51 AM <dir> Rate UOLS - Unmetered Outdoor Lighting Electric Service
1/30/2025 4:39 PM <dir> Rider DSMR - Demand Side Management Rate
7/10/2024 8:39 AM <dir> Rider FAC - Fuel Adjustment Clause
8/6/2024 2:17 PM <dir> Rider GSS - Generation Support Service
12/3/2024 2:12 PM <dir> Rider PSM - Profit Sharing Mechanism
10/17/2024 12:22 PM <dir> Section VI - Billing and Payment