Lucas Carter 1009 Chester Ave Middlesboro, KY 40965 Phone: TO :KENTUCKY PSC COMMSSION I am writing in regards to 2015-00382,as a Concerned citizen, taxpayer, and ratepayer of the City of Middlesboro. My opinion this request for an increase submitted to PSC for another increase is because it has been easy for them to obtain, they may not always be granted for what they ask for, but the great folks of Middlesboro and Southeastern KY cannot afford any more increases from Utility companies. As you may not know we have not overcame the war on coal, We have unemployment rates well above the national average and they may have went down according to data on computers, but only because the Federal unemployment extension ended in December 2013 therefore people were no longer on Unemployment but that certainly does not mean they are now employed that just simply means they are no longer counted for in the system as being on unemployment, in which that makes it looks like things are getting better, But I am here to tell you things are far from getting better in Southeast Kentucky. IF you ever wonder why population is declining it is because the great folks here cannot find work and the ones that are working are barely hanging on due to high taxes, and Utility companies taking advantage of the great folks of Eastern Kentucky. In July 2014 you give our water company Water Service Corp of KY a 4 percent increase, While I realize they ask for more but they should not of been granted anything. In 2011 you granted them almost a 3 percent increase, in 2009 you granted them a Whopping 29 percent increase. All while they closed the local office in Middlesboro an inconvenience to the residents, and caused great employees to lose their job... These companies have made poor business decisions in recent years, and now they are asking ratepayers to foot the bill. These companies are not paying for its bad decisions they are asking the Public Service Commission to make Middlesboro citizens pay for them. It is asking you to sanction their bad decisions. I am asking you to not make the great citizens pay this, I am asking that you deny their request. Your mission statement states The mission of the Kentucky Public Service Commission is to foster the provision of safe and reliable service at a reasonable price to the customers of jurisdictional utilities while providing for the financial stability of those utilities by setting fair and just rates, and supporting their operational competence by overseeing regulated activities. As you can see in the documents filed they want salaries and benefits kept confidential, they buy new vehicles to often. I understand that things go up. But that is in everything and in local government we are facing the same issues, but you look at other options and analyze what can we do to still operate and not take away from the citizens, buying top of the line trucks to work out of is not making a good financial decision. Lucas Carter Middlesboro City Council