Bryan Davey 2906 Belknap Beach Rd Prospect, KY 40059 Phone: E-Mail: Dear PSC, passing a rate increase on basic electric and gas custimer service and not the effective usage rates would totally Irresponsible of you folks who represent the public trust. As a conserver of the utilities consumed by my household,,this rate change reduces my incentive to be frugal !! My monthly delivery charges prior to 2010 were 15% of my average monthly bill,, with this new round of delivery charge increases, to $28.00 for gas and electric, will calculate to more than 50% of my monthly bill. LG&E says their rates are some of the lowest in the US, but what is hidden is these monthly service charge increases,,25,30,45 and 70% increases to basic service delivery is unacceptable, and respresents some of the largest increases as such in the US. Those living at or below the poverty level do not consume these basic utilities at an over zealous rate,, the proposed increase structure penalizes disproportionally the conservers to the abusers,the wasters of power like my neighbors who think it is more important to showcase their property with accent home and even ridiculous tree lighting,, lit throughout the nite !! People need to pay their fair share !! If you use excessive amounts of gas and electric,, you must pay for it !! This new rate structure does nothing to equitably balance consumption !! Please act responsibly and veto the proposed rate structure. Thanks