Count of Active Regulated Utilities by Type

Type of UtilityTotal
(100) Investor-Owned Electric Utilities 4
(200) Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation 21
(300) Gas Distribution Companies 20
(310) Intrastate Transmission 30
(320) Master Meter Gas 105
(330) Municipal Gas Distribution 52
(340) Gas Gathering 14
(350) Farm Taps 17
(360) Hazardous Liquids Inter 9
(361) Hazardous Liquids Intra 2
(362) Gas Transmission Interstate 11
(400) Paging 3
(410) Cellular 140
(500) Local Exchange Carriers 20
(505) Competitive Local Exchange Carrier 252
(510) Long Distance Carriers 184
(530) Operator Services 19
(600) Investor-Owned Water Companies 5
(700) Water Districts 108
(800) Water Associations 20
(880) Municipal Water Utilities 100
(900) Sewer Utilities 34