- /pscscf/2021 cases/2021-00414/
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11/2/2021 3:02 PM 56984 20211102_Blue Moon Energy, LLC Notice of Intent and Election.pdf
11/2/2021 3:07 PM 113526 20211102_PSC Acknowledgment Letter.pdf
12/2/2021 10:17 AM 174890 20211202_PSC Deficiency Letter - Notice of Intent.pdf
1/26/2022 1:10 PM 183372 20220126_Acknowledgement Letter of Application Fees.pdf
1/31/2022 9:45 AM 173859 20220131_PSC Deficiency Letter - Merchant Plant Application.pdf
2/8/2022 3:54 PM 119066 20220208_PSC Deficiency Letter - Merchant Plant Application.pdf
2/9/2022 2:18 PM 256835 20220209_PSC Deficiency Cured Letter - Merchant Plant Application.pdf
2/18/2022 12:47 PM 374866 20220218_Letter Filing Document into the Record.pdf
2/25/2022 2:35 PM 183496 20220225_PSC_ORDER.pdf
3/25/2022 12:40 PM 200736 20220325_DATA_REQUEST.pdf
3/31/2022 11:29 AM 220292 20220331_Letter Filing Executive Order 2022-166 into the Record.pdf
4/6/2022 2:57 PM 355506 20220406_Letter Filing Documents into the Record.pdf
4/28/2022 8:33 AM 131859 20220428_DATA_REQUEST.pdf
5/9/2022 12:31 PM 175401 20220509_PSC_ORDER.pdf
6/17/2022 1:52 PM 157182 20220617_PSC_ORDER.pdf
6/27/2022 1:48 PM 128747 20220627_DATA_REQUEST.pdf
6/27/2022 1:40 PM 137133 20220627_PSC_ORDER.pdf
7/20/2022 2:22 PM 1102374 20220720_Notice of Filing Hearing Documents.pdf
8/3/2022 8:28 AM 3533589 20220803_PSC_ORDER.pdf
7/11/2022 1:18 PM <dir> Public Comments