- /pscscf/2015 cases/2015-00051/

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2/12/2015 11:20 AM 1315990 20150212_Big Rivers Electric Corporation_Notice of Intent.pdf
2/12/2015 12:17 PM 122870 20150212_PSC_Acknowledgement Letter.pdf
4/7/2015 10:49 AM 20955552 20150407_Big Rivers Electric Corporation_Application.pdf
4/7/2015 11:04 AM 123100 20150407_PSC_Acknowledgement Letter.pdf
4/13/2015 8:55 AM 324583 20150413_Thomas Baird Request to Intervene.pdf
4/16/2015 2:45 PM 798909 20150416_PSC_No Deficiency Letter.pdf
4/27/2015 1:18 PM 602244 20150427_PSC_ORDER.pdf
5/1/2015 9:52 AM 306336 20150501_PSC_ORDER.pdf
5/8/2015 8:09 AM 287313 20150508_Thomas K. Baird Contact Information.pdf
5/15/2015 1:24 PM 1960348 20150515_DATA_REQUEST.pdf
5/27/2015 1:30 PM 513251 20150527_Big Rivers Electric Corp. Motion for Confidential Treatment.pdf
5/27/2015 1:51 PM 165189 20150527_Big Rivers Electric Corp. Notice of Publication.pdf
5/27/2015 1:38 PM 1511747 20150527_Big Rivers Electric Corp. Response to Request for Information.pdf
6/8/2015 12:54 PM 870871 20150608_DATA_REQUEST.pdf
6/17/2015 10:27 AM 8226375 20150617_PSC_Letter Filing Visual Impact Evaluation into Record.pdf
6/19/2015 9:50 AM 1629543 20150619_Big Rivers Electric Corp. Response to Supplemental Request.pdf
7/31/2015 10:11 AM 2047188 20150731_Letter from Andrew Ishmael, VP with Aleris International.pdf
8/4/2015 8:53 AM 670064 20150804_PSC_ORDER.pdf
1/15/2016 2:03 PM 341284 20160115_PSC_ORDER.pdf