- /pscscf/2014 cases/2014-00141/
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4/15/2014 12:48 PM 127598 20140331_Complaint.pdf
4/15/2014 2:13 PM 123965 20140415_PSC_Acknowledgement Letter.pdf
4/21/2014 2:00 PM 151660 20140421_PSC_ORDER.pdf
5/1/2014 3:14 PM 35050 20140501_Kentucky-American Water Company_Answer and Motion to Dismiss.pdf
5/6/2014 8:13 AM 73484 20140506_PSC_Letter Filing Document.pdf
5/16/2014 8:58 AM 43077 20140516_PSC_ORDER.pdf
5/28/2014 10:19 AM 38809 20140528_Complainants_Request for Information.pdf
5/28/2014 2:21 PM 43740 20140528_DATA_REQUEST.pdf
5/28/2014 2:31 PM 30664 20140528_DATA_REQUEST01.pdf
5/30/2014 2:52 PM 35623 20140530_Kentucky-American Water Company_First Requests for Information to Complainants.pdf
6/17/2014 7:35 AM 1096980 20140616_Complainants_Answer to Commission.pdf
6/17/2014 7:27 AM 2788445 20140616_Complainants_Answer to KAWC.pdf
6/18/2014 6:49 AM 3475095 20140617_KAWC Response to Commission Staff First Set of Information Requests.pdf
6/18/2014 6:52 AM 1029822 20140617_KAWC Responses to Commission Staff and Complainants.pdf
7/2/2014 7:26 AM 737501 20140701_Kentucky American Supplemental Response.pdf
7/2/2014 2:15 PM 16411 20140702_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf
7/31/2014 1:31 PM 90171 20140731_memo.pdf
7/31/2014 9:05 AM 1329343 20140731_PSC_Letter Filing Document.pdf
8/5/2014 12:57 PM 174759 20140805_Complainants_Comments on IC Memo.pdf
8/6/2014 11:25 AM 20908 20140806_Addendum to 07-28-2014 IC.pdf
8/12/2014 12:53 PM 151641 20140812_Complainants_Decision Regarding Next Action.pdf
8/12/2014 12:54 PM 607243 20140812_Complainants_Supplemental Discovery Responses to Kentucky-American.pdf
8/15/2014 12:03 PM 46113 20140815_PSC_Letter Regarding Rules of Procedure.pdf
8/19/2014 9:37 AM 1637073 20140819_PSC_IC Memo.pdf
9/9/2014 7:54 AM 107595 20140909_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf
9/19/2014 12:50 PM 453685 20140919_PSC_IC Memo.pdf
10/1/2014 12:51 PM 108890 20141001_Complainants_Motion to Withdraw.pdf
10/9/2014 10:43 AM 100539 20141009_PSC_ORDER.pdf