- /pscscf/2012 cases/2012-00468/

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10/15/2012 10:22 AM 397256 20121015_Owen Electric Cooperative_Application.pdf
10/15/2012 12:15 PM 122094 20121015_PSC_Acknowledgement Letter.pdf
10/30/2012 11:20 AM 125349 20121030_DATA_REQUEST.pdf
11/8/2012 4:09 PM 1487528 20121108_Owen Electric Response to Commission Staff 1st Info Request.pdf
11/16/2012 1:42 PM 57437 20121116_PSC_ORDER.pdf
11/19/2012 10:54 AM 135297 20121119_DATA_REQUEST.pdf
11/29/2012 3:30 PM 1650726 20121129_Owen Electrics 2nd ifo request for PSC staff.pdf
1/16/2013 1:43 PM 122924 20130116_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf
2/8/2013 1:17 PM 141211 20130208_PSC_IC Memo.pdf
2/14/2013 12:03 PM 638032 20130214_Responses of Owen Electric to information requested at the informal conference held on Feb 6, 13.pdf
3/27/2013 3:13 PM 195527 20130327_Attorney General_Motion to Intervene and Comments.pdf
4/15/2013 9:16 AM 128384 20130415_Owen Electric Cooperative Inc_Response to Attorney Generals Motion to Intervene.pdf
4/18/2013 8:26 AM 128940 20130418_PSC_IC Memo.pdf
4/19/2013 8:46 AM 172351 20130419_Owen Electric Cooperative Inc_Motion to Withdraw, Substitute and Consolidate.pdf
4/25/2013 10:56 AM 144305 20130425_PSC_ORDER.pdf
5/14/2013 7:49 AM 240793 20130514_PSC_ORDER.pdf
8/2/2013 9:42 AM 70872 20130802_PSC_ORDER.pdf