- /pscscf/2012 cases/2012-00239/PSC_Investigation_Files/
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6/27/2012 2:36 PM 10888554 20120302_LG&E Investigation_River Trail Place_Attachment A.pdf
6/27/2012 3:20 PM 2982861 20120302_LG&E Investigation_River Trail Place_Attachment B.pdf
3/2/2012 10:59 AM 36600305 20120302_LG&E Investigation_River Trail Place_Attachment C.pdf
6/27/2012 3:25 PM 771420 20120302_LG&E Investigation_River Trail Place_Attachment D.pdf
3/2/2012 10:59 AM 1612888 20120302_LG&E Investigation_River Trail Place_Attachment E.pdf
3/2/2012 10:59 AM 39838136 20120302_LG&E Investigation_River Trail Place_Attachment F.pdf
3/2/2012 10:59 AM 6877089 20120302_LG&E Investigation_River Trail Place_Attachment G.pdf
6/27/2012 9:22 AM 15073316 20120305_LG&E Investigation_River Trail Place_Attachment H.pdf
6/14/2018 8:59 AM <dir> 5206 River Trail Place -from Fire Department
3/1/2012 2:34 PM 39928930 Dimas, Jim_20120123_LGE Additional Documents RE Incident at 5206 River Trail Place.pdf
2/3/2012 9:14 AM 1482240 Google Maps of River Trail Place - 2.doc
3/1/2012 2:28 PM 2350080 Google Maps of River Trail Place - 3.doc
12/7/2011 12:43 PM 3400704 Google Maps of River Trail Place.doc
3/1/2012 2:28 PM 2350080 Inspection Report Cover Page.doc
3/5/2012 2:06 PM 2349056 Inspection Report Cover Page2.doc
3/5/2012 2:15 PM 2350592 Inspection Report Cover Page3.doc
4/23/2012 1:46 PM 164352 Louisville Gas and Electric-Incident 12-06-2011.doc
6/14/2018 9:00 AM <dir> Pictures from Mike Allendorf - Okalona Fire Department
6/14/2018 9:00 AM <dir> Pictures from Mr. Bryce Ritter - 12-7-2012
6/14/2018 9:00 AM <dir> Pictures taken by PSC Investigators