Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2016-00062

Case Number:2016-00062
Service Type:Water
Filing Date:1/29/2016

Mountain Water District

Case Nature:

Modification of Order in Case No. 2014-00342

Case Filings
4/8/2016 3:43:09 PM

Final Order Entered: 1. Mountain District's Petition for Modification is denied. 2. Ordering paragraph 8 of the October 9, 2015 Order in Case No. 2014-00342 is modified to the limited extent that the time schedule within which Mountain District shall obtain the services of an outside independent consultant to provide the services described therein is extended to 60 days from the date of this Order. 3. Ordering paragraph 9 of the October 9, 2015 Order in Case No. 2014-00342 is modified to the limited extent that the time schedule with in which Mountain District shall submit to the Commission the required written report is extended to 120 days from the date of this Order. 4. All other provisions of the Commission's October 9, 2015 Order and November 17, 2015 Order on rehearing in Case No. 2014-00342 shall remain in full force and effect.


MWD Supplemental Response to Data Request No. 11


Mountain Water District Reply to AG


MWD Response to Information Request


AG Request for Information


MWD Response to AG

2/12/2016 4:05:50 PM

Order Entered: 1. The motion of the Attorney General to intervene is granted. 2. The Attorney General shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission's Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. The Attorney General shall comply with all provisions of the Commission's regulations, 807 KAR 5:001, Sections 6 and 7, related to the service and filing of documents. 4. The Attorney General shall serve any request for information to Mountain District no later than seven days from the date of this Order. 5. Mountain District shall file with the Commission and serve upon all parties of record its responses to the Attorney General's request for information no later than 21 days from the date of this Order. 6. Mountain District's responses to the Attorney General's request shall comply with ordering paragraph 3 of the February 11, 2016 Order. 7. All provisions of the February 11, 2016 Order that are not in conflict with the terms of this Order shall remain in effect. 8. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

2/11/2016 3:04:35 PM

Order Entered: 1. The record from Case No. 2014-00342, including the post case referenced correspondence file for that case, is incorporated by reference into the record of the instant case. 2. Mountain District shall file with the Commission, no later than 14 days from the date of this Order, the original and ten copies of the information listed in the Appendix to this Order. 3. a. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided. b. Each response shall be answered under oath, or, for representatives of a public or private corporation or a partnership or association or a governmental agency, be accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or person supervising the preparation of the response on behalf of the entity that the response is true and accurate to the best of the person's knowledge, information and belief formed after a reasonable inquiry. c. Mountain District shall make timely amendment to any prior response if it obtains information which indicates that the response was incorrect when made or, though correct when made, is now incorrect in any material aspect. d. For any request to which Mountain District fails or refuses to furnish all or part of the requested information, the party shall provide a written explanation of the specific grounds for its failure to completely and precisely respond.


AG motion to intervene and objection to Mountain WD request for modification of case number 14-342 Order

1/29/2016 3:09:08 PM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


Mountain Water District Petition for Modification of Order in Case No. 2014-00342